Challan Carmichael Records Chorus for New Track with 10 Children from his Church

Challan recently had a recording session at the Moroni 7 Records recording studio in Sherwood, Nottingham working with 10 children from his church. Challan previously met with the children to teach them the chorus to his new song; he visited with them at home and taught them the vocals and also had a group session at his church.


Challan mentions; “When we did the first session at the church, we had about 8 children and it was really amazing how they picked up the chorus really quickly. At first they were a little nervous but they soon got into the swing of things. Even when I left the room to go and get some water, I came back to see that the children had pressed play on the CD player and were practicing the track all by themselves. For the children that weren’t able to come to the group session, I went to their houses to do private sessions with them.
On the day of recording we invited the children into the studio in three sessions. Jack was engineering for us and KC came along to give his support. It’s crazy having that many children in the studio but it was a great feeling and all of their efforts are greatly appreciated.
We recorded the vocals for the children in groups and solos, and these vocals were then sent to Germany for the producer to arrange.”

Challan adds; “This was a great experience and definitely something that I will do again.”

For all the photos from this recording session, check out Challans Facebook page.

A Big thank you to; Ricardo, Beatrix, Nikki, Naomi, Marcio, Luisa, Lucy, Adam, Sara and Sophie.
And all the parents that brought their children along.

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